Supporting science and academia in India through our CSR initiatives​

TNQTech is committed to supporting communities and projects that work to further the sciences and arts in India, spanning higher education and research, science communication and policy, media research and journalism, accessible healthcare, animal welfare, and art museums and exhibitions.


TNQTech's impactful journey

Obaid Siddiqi Chair at the Archives National Centre for Biological Sciences

The Obaid Siddiqi Chair in the History and Culture of Sciences at the Archives at NCBS, leads a much-needed effort to bridge the gap between the sciences, social sciences, and humanities, and fosters a diverse and inclusive community of academics across disciplines.

India BioScience

India Bioscience aims to increase the visibility of science in society by being a hub for policy discussions, science communication, and as an aggregator of information, through mentorship, facilitating recruitment of exceptional faculty, communicating new and exciting research, and facilitating research collaborations through specific programmes and grants.

Asian College of Journalism

The Asian College of Journalism (ACJ) in Chennai offers post-graduate diplomas with specialisation in four streams—TV, Print, Radio, and New Media.

Heart Foundation India

The Heart Foundation and Research Institute works toward creating accessible, affordable, equitable health services in association with local organisations, providing welfare services to the underprivileged for health, education, and community development.

The Lepra India Trust

The Lepra India Trust works to bring about a catalytic change in the lives of children of leprosy patients, and hearing-impaired children through special education and speech therapy.

Red Heart Foundation

The Red Heart Foundation promotes awareness and education about cardiac health among doctors and the general public, and provides patients deemed inoperable with the means and the access to life-saving procedures.

Worldwide Veterinary Service, India

The Worldwide Veterinary Service provides practical training courses for veterinarians, animal handlers, veterinary assistants, and project managers in various aspects of animal health and welfare.

The India Project for Animals and Nature

The India Project for Animals and Nature works to change the lives of animals across the country, through education, research, lobbying, mobilisation, training and direct action.

The Art & Photography Foundation

The Art & Photography Foundation works to preserve and promote Indian cultural heritage by connecting the arts to the community. Its key project is the building of the Museum of Art & Photography in Bengaluru.

Kochi Biennale Foundation

The Kochi-Muziris Biennale, an international exhibition of contemporary art held in the city of Kochi, is the largest art exhibition in India and the biggest contemporary art festival in Asia.

Chennai Photo Biennale Foundation

The Chennai Photo Biennale (CPB) Foundation provides a platform for Indian and international photographic talent and seeks to bring visual art literacy to diverse audiences through their public-art engagements in heritage spaces, college campuses, beaches, parks, and train stations.

Mangrove Foundation of India

The Mangrove Foundation broadly works towards two goals—environmental protection and rehabilitation, and women empowerment. Their projects span various countries in the Global South in addition to India, including Bolivia, Laos, Nepal, and Myanmar.